Coliseum Renovation

Key Features and Notes for Bond Resolution

Starting with Why:

When tickets go on sale for rodeo, there are over 80,000 individual IP addresses vying for seats online.

  •  SASSRA has been unable to fulfill community demand for seating for several years.
  • The goal is to build a facility that could service all ages of people by bringing in dollars that have an economic impact from beyond the current capabilities of the existing coliseum.
  • SASSRA has invested over $1,000,000 in engineer and predevelopment planning.
  • Renovation makes the facility a marketable coliseum for year-round premium concert events, its an event center venue. The suites can be used as meeting space for any type of event requiring breakout rooms if needed.
  • Engineer projection-“Renovation expands the life of site 50 or more years for cost of $41M. A new facility with these same elements, at this capacity is estimated to cost its $200M in 2025.”
  • SASSRA to increase seating over 100% to 10,150 seats. Engaging 132,000 people.
  • This venue improvement allows the rodeo to grow and stay in its original beginning.
  • COSA to convey all maintenance and expense to SASSRA. Removing it from the Civic Events budget
  • COSA has the potential to triple their revenue with no expense burden of the venue.
  • No Venue tax requested for this project. COSA can apply that funding source to other opportunities.

Coliseum Elements for Bond Proposition

Coliseum Renovation—A “Shovel Ready” project with full engineering plans and additional construction options for emergency facilities funding.

SASSRA will execute a “Chapter 380” agreement required for the bond process. It is not necessary for the resolution reading but required prior to the issuance of the bond if approved by the voters.

COSA will reduce budget expenses with savings of approximately $230K. The 2024 revenue for the Coliseum was $298K and expenses were $234K for a net profit of $62K. COSA will also see savings in staff expense reductions.

SASSRA will market and promote the Coliseum Bond Proposal.

Upon completion of the project, SASSRA will assume maintenance and operations of the Coliseum. At that time, the operation of the Coliseum will be transferred into the existing lease agreement between COSA and SASSRA. The existing maintenance partnership remains to co-share at 50% of major maintenance remains in place.

SASSRA will assume construction overages in the original scope of plans, if needed. Surplus, if any, must be used for facility venue.

SASSRA will pay a $2/seat fee on all events where seating is sold under its management control. Minimum annual payment to COSA estimated at $180K-$210K (seat capacity at completion:10,150 up to 11,484)

Multiple Exterior Video Outputs

Large Video Displays on corners for outdoor viewing

Coliseum Entrance

North/South View

East/West View

Seating Sight Lines

Interior Seating

  • Seating View from the West to East.
  • This picture is from an abstract in 2022. The box seats can be 4 or 5 row sections.
  • Total seat capacity has been redesigned and increased from an original 9,000 plan up to 10,150 seats.

There is a cost analysis at expand to 11,149 seats (TBD).


Future Information:

SASSRA will have future meetings showcasing the expansion in detail in March and April.

SASSRA will list detailed information between now and May 3 to assist in allowing the citizens to make a well-informed decision for the benefit of San Angelo.

More information will be posted on the website in the next couple weeks.

Visit SASSRA website here for more information

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